Why Men Go On Dates

Young women dream of their first kiss, at sunset, on a beautiful beach, as romantic music rises to a crescendo in the background.

Young men, on the other hand, are driven by testosterone to lust over the first time they will get their first pair of panties in the back seat of a car or behind the bleachers.

The 3% Man

In the hierarchy of dating and sex, only about 3% of men are genetically blessed with the characteristics that make women drop to their knees in lust: height, charisma, athletic ability, or natural good looks.

Typically, the young men that display these traits will start receiving female attention very early on.

As young as kindergarten, the naturally handsome boy will be the object of girlish giggles and special treatment from female classmates.

Boys like that grow up to be Chads that don’t have to offer women anything to get them to open their legs for him.

The other 97% of us have to work.

Leveling the Playing Field


  • learning seduction skills,

  • getting in great shape,

  • improving his style,

  • and earning more money

a regular guy can improve himself enough to get regular sex from women, although usually the scraps that are too old, or not cute enough for Chad.

This is the reason why women sneer at the idea of Game.

Read my post “Why Women Hate Pick Up Artists”.

For one, women don’t need to learn dating skills.

The fact that she has a wet hole between her legs is enough to get men approaching her, offering her dates and trips, almost until the day she dies.

Second, learning these skills gives men an agency in the sexual marketplace that women don’t have.

A woman cannot become younger and more desirable to improve her chances with men.

A man, however, can learn seduction, make more money, and build his body and his social circle, until the day he dies.

The most inspiring stories are from men who decided to take matters into their own hands and get good with women, at any age.

Below is the motivating story of Sam Pond, who took action to improve his relationships with women in his 60s.

At age 63 in this video, Pond looks 10- 15 years younger: everything from his body language, laughter, energy, and style feels engaging and fun.

This is the great advantage of being a man. It’s never too late to change your life.

Why Men Go On Dates

“After a woman goes on a date, her friends will ask her how it went.

They want the details; where they went, what plans he made, what they did, how his personality was, where they went to dinner…

After a man goes on a date, his friends will want to know one detail:

whether or not he had sex.”

-Coach Greg Adams, Free Agent Lifestyle

The number one reason that men go on dates is the same number one reason behind why men do anything: to get sex with women.

Think about the industries that exist solely to help men get sex from women:


sports cars,


the PUA/ seduction community,

nightclubs and bars.

The global economy, and society itself, would collapse without men’s desire for sex.

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From young men who buy protein shakes, haircuts, and fly to Mexico on spring break (to sleep with women), to husbands who invest in diamond rings, mortgages, insurance, and cars (to keep sleeping with their wives).

Pussy is a commodity that keeps the world spinning, like a hamster running on a wheel.

Men trying to get laid is a multi-billion dollar industry, and generating millions in tax revenue, countless jobs, and record profits for thousands of businesses.

Instant Attraction

From the moment he sees a beautiful woman, a man is instantly ready to fuck her.

The male body responds automatically in the presence, or even the sight of an attractive woman.

His pupils dilate, his heart rate increases, and blood rushes to his loins. In that instant, he is mentally and physically prepared for sex.

By contrast, immediate attraction in women is relatively rare, on occasions when a woman sees a man that she finds very attractive, or when she is very drunk, especially during an ovulatory phase of her menstruation cycle.

For the most part, a man can see dozens of women in a day that he would take to bed on the spot.

Women usually take more time to warm up to attraction for a man that she’s interested in.

The purpose of a date is to raise a woman’s attraction level to the point that she is ready for sex.

Men with experience understand this, and set dates with convenient logistics that can easily lead to sex: meeting in the evening, near his apartment, setting a date for drinks, or something casual and fun, to get the woman feeling comfortable.

Men do not go on dates because we love spending money on strangers, or because we’re dying to hear about the Kardashians, or the TPS reports at women’s HR cubicle jobs.

The “date” is nothing more than a formality, a “dog and pony show” to get a woman’s interest level high enough for sex.


This should be done as cheaply as possible.

The more you do it, the better you will get. Women can smell your success with other women on you, like dogs can smell fear.

It turns them on. Read my post “Just Get Laid”.

For more context, check out my other articles on this topic:

”Sex On the Second Date”

”How to Get Girls: 3 Books to Improve Your Dating Life”

-Solitary Beast